Thursday, January 20, 2011

Be Kind Week!

 It is spirit week at the boys' school. Today was mix match and crazy sock day. Of course my kids want several pairs of socks on, not just one mismatched pair. So they each picked out 8 socks to wear and we layered them up. They actually looked very cute and playful in their colorful footwear.
Here is a schedule of their spirit week dress and why they are wearing it:
Tuesday: Backwards Day - because you can't rewind you actions.
Wednesday: Crazy Sock and Mismatch Day - because everyone is unique ( I love that one)
Thursday: Camouflage Day - because we should be kind to the environment
Friday: Team Jersey Day - because we are all on the same team ( I think that is why)
We don't have sports team shirts, so the boys are wearing their Army t-shirts Carissa gave them. Go Team Army!

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