Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sneaky Sleepers

We have a little problem going on in our house the past few weeks. Sometime between 1 and 4 am one or both boys show up in our room claiming to have had a bad dream or that they feel sick. I used to be great at taking them back to their room, tucking them back in, maybe staying with them for a few minutes to get them calmed back into sleep, but lately I've just wanted to sleep. This is why I have let them climb into bed with us. The past few nights I have even gotten up and climbed into their bed because ours was too crowded.
Now I know they are not having bad dreams every night because they aren't freaked out like they are when they REALLY have one. Like when Sam thinks bugs are on him or the bed and can't put his feet down. He actually laid on my bed for 20 minutes with his feet straight in the air. Now that's what a real nightmare will do to you. The sick part, well we have had some sick kids lately. Not enough to warrant every night a wake up call from them.
This is why Jeff had a chat with them tonight at bedtime about staying in their rooms. Looking to each other when they have a bad dream and only coming to get us if they are really sick. He also told me that if I am tired of taking them back to bed to wake him up. I am SO taking him up on that offer. The best part of that is the smack it takes to wake him up, and the jump as he does register I'm smacking him awake.
At this point it is 1:52 am. No kids have shown up yet. I bet we get 2 nights of no kids trying to sneak into our bed, then they will try again. Most likely on that night I am very tired and in need of more than the 4 hours of sleep I am going to get. Here's hoping for good dreams, no tummy aches and kids that stay out of our bed!

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